Рафаел Фор
Founder and art director of the Theatre of the Roads company
Artistic experience
Between 1996 and 2007 he took part in various art projects within the framework of the Semaine de la Fracophonie – in Bosnia, Romania, Armenia.
Since 2006 he has lead the Trigger Workshop, a travelling workshop in forum theatre focusing on social, economic and environmental issues.
In 2002 he founded the Theatre of the Roads company. He is the director of the company and the coproducer of 8 shows over 15 years. The shows use fairytales, circus art, theatre, music and singing.
As professional storyteller Raphael Phaure has lead internships and workshops in introduction to the art of storytelling for children and adults.
His main source of inspiration are links between the environment (the mineral, vegetal and animal world) and people.
Between 2008 and 2013 he is the art director of the At the Crossroads festival. Since 2013 he has been the coordinator and director of the River Gardens (Les Jardins du Fleuve) art walk.

Education and training
After graduating History and Ethnography at the Paul Valery faculty in Montpelier, Raphael Phaure took a series of professional courses in live shows – theatre, pantomime, clown performance, singing. Since 1996 he has been mastering the art of storytelling under the supervision of Catherine Zarcate, Elisa de Mauri, Rachid Akbal, Didier Kovarski, Camel Genoune. He also studied at the Mediterranean Centre for Oral Literature (Centre Méditerranéen de la Littérature Orale) in Alès under the supervision of ethnologist Marc Obare.
In 2003 Raphael Phaure studied the techiques of the Theatre of the Oppressed with Brazilian Augusto Boal.