Performance journey “Murmures”
Dobralak village /Kuklen municipality, Plovdiv region/
- 13th July 2019 (Saturday) 16:00
- 14th July 2019 (Sunday) 15:00
Boykovo village / Rodopi Municipality /
- 20th July (Saturday) 2019, at 16:00
- 21st July 2019 (Sunday), at 15:00
All shows are free, no reservation is necessary. Donations are welcome.
The Theatre of Roads is a French travelling theatre company about to start on its most exciting trip so far in July 2018 from the French Alps near Ardèche to the Rhodopes. Fascinated by the culture, traditions and natural richness of this part of Bulgaria, thе artists of Theatre of Roads and their colleagues from Germany, Finland and Bulgaria will get to the Rhodopes together to discover their secrets and invite the audience to two shows and several art workshops.
Murmures will bring together artists (actors, musicians, circus artists), locals from the Rhodope villages and visitors from the country and abroad in an exciting way. The starting point of the performance is the Rhodope village of Dobralak (13th and 14th July) and Boykovo (20th and 21st July). From there viewers will start on Rhodope trails to a fairytale world made of music, poetry, acrobatics and magical landscapes. Amid the natural scenography of nature’s landscapes the audience will join in in weaving Rhodopes elements into the fairytale having come to the Rhodopes from faraway lands.
More information on:
- FB: DiscoveredSpacesBG
Journey through the senses of Dobralak
- Theatre of the senses – Labyrinth
- 6th July (Saturday) 2019, at 16:00 and 21:00
All shows are free, no reservation is necessary. Donations are welcome.
Theatre of the senses – Labyrinth merges the roles of the viewer and the actor and allows them to create a unique experience together, provoking and developping our imagination and senses. It is a hybrid form between theatre, performance and installation working mostly with the senses and immediately envolving the audience in the performance. Together with the artists in the labyrinth, the passer writes the story in which He is to become the main protagonist.
Photo Credit: Sasha Hadzhieva, Ivan Donchev
Journey through the Sense of Dobralak combines the stories and memories of the people of Dobralak and those of the artists discovering the authentic local environment. Participants will discover the physical and spiritual environment of the village of Dobralak, passing through a labyrinth installation filled with intense sensual experiences (auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, taste). The entire village will become a stage and the audience will follow individually a predefined route, immediately immersed in the theatrical interaction as a personal adventure.
More information:
- FB: DiscoveredSpacesBG
This performance will provide an opportunity for a personal connection with nature and poetry, an endless circle in which we are the main actors
- Performance in the village of Dobralak: Dobralak July 12 th, at 16:00 h
- Performance in the village of Boykovo: July 19 th, at 16:00 h